Small Package
The small package is suitable for parents who have already given birth or families who want individual appointments in addition to independent preparation.
A small package with 5 meetings is a softer preparation for childbirth, which covers basic topics related to childbirth, such as preparing a birth plan, the role of a support person during childbirth, breastfeeding, etc. After the birth, we'll meet only once.
4x 90 min meetings during pregnancy
For 6+3 months I am there for your family, offering emotional and informative support if you have questions or concerns
24/7 availability for birth support. When the birth process starts I will come to a location that suits you (home or hospital all over Estonia)
2 hours after giving birth, I will be with you to ensure a successful start of breastfeeding and to support everyone's adaptation
1x 90 min appointment after childbirth
The cost of the package is 1200€
(Possible to pay in installments)
* Appointments can always be added if desired.
** If you cancel an appointment less than 24 hours before, you still have to pay for the entire session.

Photo: Hanna Bender
Topics I can help with
Evidence-based information
Preparing for birth
Confidence & building trust in yourself
The role of the partner in childbirth
Releasing fears & negative beliefs
Alleviation of discomfort
Making a birth plan
Analyzing previous birth experiences
Gentle bio energetics
I help to create an harmonious birth environment
I support, encourage & reassure
I offer guidance
Alternative techniques
I support the partner
I help you understand when to go to the hospital or call a midwife for a home birth
I help to follow the birth plan
I explain medical procedures
Lactation counseling
Postpartum massage
Baby wearing counseling
Cooking a meal
Bengkung belly binding (abdominal support)
Diastasis assessment and individual training plan
Taking care of the baby
Helping to adapt with the new living arrangement
Nutrition during breastfeeding
New mother ceremony
Postnatal balancing