“Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life.”
- Ina May Gaskin

My name is Gertrud and I am a full spectrum doula. My passion is to support women and their partners through the journey of having a baby and becoming a parent.
Becoming and being a mother has been the most exciting and beautiful but also the most difficult experience
of my life so far.
Instead of enjoying my pregnancy, fully focusing on the birth and being a mother, I was constantly with my nose in a book, chasing the most accurate and best knowledge. I felt completely alone and overwhelmed by all this information flow. Although I thought I was fully prepared for my birth, things did not go as I had hoped.
So that no one else has to go through this, I have recognized my calling - to be a full spectrum doula.
I love supporting people, conscious lifestyle, being in my feminine power and living harmoniously.
I have included all of this into my work and I do my best so that a woman can flourish with confidence during pregnancy, feel a powerful birth experience and find balance in the mother / woman dance.
2023-2024 Menstrual Cycle Coaching & Facilitation Professional Training (Teacher Lisa de Jong);
2022 Use of medicinal plants during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period (Teacher Annika Nellis);
2021 Gordon Family School (Teacher Ènne Aas-Udam);
2020 Kinesio taping (Teacher Laivi Toots);
2020 Spinning Babies® 2-Day Workshop (Teacher Jennifer Walker);
2019 Gentle Bio Energetics by Dr. Eva Reich (Teacher Richard Overly);
2019 Postpartum Cocoon Care (Teacher Natalie Sanna);
2019 Homeopathy During Pregnancy and Childbirth (Teacher Terje Tähe);
2019 Assessment of Rectus Abdominis Diastasis, Manual Closing Therapy and Physiotherapy Exercises, Angela Heller's (physiotherapist, midwife) Method (Teacher Yola Garbers);
2018 PostpartumCare: Thai-style Massages; Bengkung Belly Binding (Teacher Natalie Sanna);
2017-2018 Doula Training, Põlistarkuste ja Rahvaravi School (Teachers Karita Mikko, Ingrid Kaoküla, Elina Piirimäe, Küllike Lillestik, Ülle Lember, Riinu Verlin, Triin Värnik);
2018 UNICEF Breastfeeding Counselor Training (SIET Teachers Ülle Lember, Riinu Verlin);
2018 Pregnancy and Postpartum Yoga Teacher, The Elemental Yoga School (Teacher Summer Salt).
As a doula I support mother and the whole family during family planning, pregnancy, childbirth and
the postpartum period.
Every woman deserves a doula! When a baby is born, a new family is born. It is one of the most special events in life,
which is forever remembered and stored in the soul and body. It is a moment that deserves commitment, time, preparation and investment like any other important event in life. As a doula, it is in my heart to offer your family professional support, information and help you to achieve the birth experience that you have wanted. It is more likely that everything will go according to plan if you start preparing both physically and mentally for the baby's arrival already during pregnancy. According to research, with the presence of a doula:
birth can be up to 25% faster
there's up to 60% less desire for an epidural
the probability of caesarean section is up to 50% lower
there's up to 40% less need to use synthetical oxytocin
there's less chance of postpartum depression
the whole family is more satisfied with the birth experience
(American Pregnancy Association - 2017)
As a doula, I do everything I can to make sure that you are not alone. I am sincerely and individually committed to your journey, choices, desires and goals. During pregnancy, I will help map out your wishes and boost you with self-confidence, so that the birth of a child will be wonderful and powerful. During the birth, I will support you and your partner physically and emotionally so that you can enjoy this unique experience and fully focus on the birth of your child. In the postpartum period, I offer my support and guidance so that you can feel confident in your new roles
as a mother and father. I give the woman the opportunity to gently adapt to the new life with the baby by offering various treatments from traditional cultures.
As a doula, I'm there for you and your whole family the way you
wish to be supported.
Evidence-based information
Preparing for birth
Confidence & building trust in yourself
The role of the partner in childbirth
Releasing fears & negative beliefs
Alleviation of discomfort
Making a birth plan
Analyzing previous birth experiences
Gentle bio energetics
I help to create an harmonious birth environment
I support, encourage & reassure
I offer guidance
Alternative techniques
I support the partner
I help you understand when to go to the hospital or call a midwife for a home birth
I help to follow the birth plan
I explain medical procedures
Lactation counseling
Postpartum massage
Baby wearing counseling
Cooking a meal
Bengkung belly binding (abdominal support)
Diastasis assessment and individual training plan
Taking care of the baby
Helping to adapt with the new living arrangement
Nutrition during breastfeeding
New mother ceremony
Postnatal balancing